kuya lorenzo asked how’s the workshop going? from samal island, davao, philippines. he also shared about filipino outrigger paddles at his site. the workshop is awesome. we are learning a lot together, bangka family bonding and sharing, eating nourishment from local cooks. i wish kuya lorenzo was here with us at the workshop site but i know his spirit is with us. check out lakbayjuan.com’s update
although the ocean separates us, we are connected.
as my friend shirley said: ‘our distance doesn’t keep us apart just like the spirits that guides us , we are never apart.’
- reminiscing about uncle philip’s instructions on paddle-making last dec 2012
a lot about your courage and dersie to get to the essence of who you are .which is the spiritual journey.In the conventional world, this death was a tragedy. But there is another school of thought which I lean towardxxs .that when we drop our bodies’, it is only our bodies that we no longer have .and that we have finished our work on this earth.I have never experienced tragedy so I have absolutely no idea how I would actually respond no one knows until it happens to them.I have seen what can only be called extraordinary miracles in the face of tragedy from a few of my friends. I am total agreement with you about knowing and living that we are all one. That you didn’t particularly like this woman is practically inconsequential. It had an impact on you that’s all that matters.What I have learned in recent years in part by studying at seminary is that when we are judgmental of others .their behavior is a reflection of the behavior/character traits that we don’t want to see in ourselves.I have PLENTY of work that I’m doing in this arena. Practically every day I catch myself having critical thoughts about others. The work is that when that happens, I catch myself and try to pull my thoughts back to a loving place. Affirmations help.Shadow work (plenty of books on it) is helpful in getting to know, accepting, and using what about us we don’t like. We are all on the same journey .even if we don’t know it. And we are all on this earth for different reasons. It is mystical. It is magical. And it is awesome.THANK YOU so much for your personal, vulnerable, and reflective post. It touched me deeply. xxoo-Fran