bangka journey is not just about carving a canoe or making paddles, it involves cultural exchanges such as a recent visit in May 2013 with waway saway, a talaandig lightkeeper, and l. frank manriquez (see photos below). also check out waway and kulintronica! And not only does waway build a paddle for the first time and gifted it as a wedding gift for bangka journey in less than 6 hours, the katyapi in the photos below is the 9th katyapi he built in a 2 weeks timeframe. kuya waway, daghang mabuhay ka!
in reflection, the first time this bangka girl met waway saway was during last year’s kapwa3 conference 2012 in baguio city, luzon, philippines. auspiciously, kuya waway was the first indigenous tribal leader that this bangka girl shared with about bangka journey’s dream, not even a year after, kuya waway visits the ‘world bangka’ (more on this on a later blog) at the log site in santa rosa, california. on another matter, fyi, do check out an upcoming event where more talaandig tribal leaders will be present, Katutubong Binhi / Native Seeds: Myths and Stories that Feed our Indigenous Soul
- learn more about the talaandig and katyapi at
- a katyapi designed after a python
- waway and l frank shares musical instruments