Bangka Journey travels to Tribal Canoe Journey‘s 2013 Paddle to Quinault – DAY 5:
Props to land support, ground crew, cooks, hunters, firewood cutters, escorts, shuttle and bus drivers, and the canoe journey organizers – mabuhay kayo!!!!! We are learning many things but one major is that strong land crew is essential – one in mind, body and spirit – with lack of sleep and trying to stay a step or two ahead, it is not easy. Total respect for land crew and support boats, healers at the healing tent. Life is precious.
- Bangka Journey Day 3 Tent Cities
- Bangka Journey to Tribal Journey 2013 Day 1 Map of Paddle to Quinault
- Bangka Journey Day 3 helping out at Queets, WA
- Bangka Journey Day 3 Bayanihan Spirit
** Bangka Journey’s part in Paddle to Quinault this year is paid for in part by your generous donations. THANK YOU!! **