post blue moon tsunami alert

during a blue moon vegan dinner gathering, seated on a one person carved wooden bench-thingee, a japanese visitor sitting across the group asked softly, is this a quake?  as she observed us swaying in our separate individual seats. it took time to acknowledge, my brain said, no, it’s not. suddenly i became aware of my head feeling heavy, dizziness seeped through, then i realized that we were slowly riding up and down the tidal waves below bohol’s limestone island under the 2012’s rare, island cloudy blue moonshine. the next morning, i read about the magnitude 7.6 quake split roads (as seen in photo below) in samar, leyte. being from earthquake country, the ride on the wave on limestone grounds felt different from the California jolts that I’ve grown up and experienced in Oakland, Califas during the 1989 loma prieta quake. sh8. i was reminded of a recent blog entry, blue moon tsunami entry, one thing for certain, mother earth sending out alerts







this week’s message

There are so many different types of communication to choose from. So why not choose one that is a little bit out of the ordinary, today? It will get you noticed by people with good taste and vision. Let your creativity go wild and don’t be afraid to surprise anyone — after all, who doesn’t like a surprise? Even if you just send an email to check in on a friend to see how their day is going, why not make it a poem? And you can sing into a phone just as easily as speak into it.

i await surprises