joy via airmail 3 by 5

i collect postcards but sadly enough i have not received a snail mail postcard in a long time. possibly one of the few to write postcards and send via snail mail, friends and kitty jojoh receives  cards just to say you are in my traveling thoughts from a distance. with the limited resources in these difficult times, traveling is a huge endeavor. even so, if i am on the road, i jot down a few words on interesting postcards, practice the art of letter- writing versus letter-typing; share the joy of writing with the little ones, i send cards to my nieces and nephews, god-sons and god-daughters who are learning to read and write, imagine the joy of getting a friendly mail, not necessarily the touristy kind that you find in local tourist traps (although sometimes that is the only thing available) but i love unique cards or create your own!, cards that share about local events,

or just an eye appeal, a reminder of a connection between the sender and the loved ones on the other side of town or the globe. i support snail mail and love the various local and international postage stamps. it brings me joy to give joy in a 3×5.

it’s more fun in d pilipinas

photos from chiara zambrano, abs-cbn july 2012