mom and i visited the elders and loved ones who have passed at the centuries old baclayon cemetery in bohol.
i opened the lock on the gate, nervous that it wouldn’t open. after a few tries, it clicked. i let the key dangle on the gate of yellow steel hearts, it jingled our presence. the resting site of our lolos, lolas, aunties, uncles, tito, titas, was dusted, swept clean. after smudging with gifted sage from Mati Waiya and Luhui Isha of Wishtoyo, offerings were made which included five white candles lit, flowers, water and prayers and a special request from my brother. thank-full as mom’s 70th year nears. blessings. i love you and miss you.
just fyi, one of mom’s current project is to beautify the centuries old cemetery. my dad simply retorted with: “but they are all dead.” we have to find the harmony and balance of life and death. just as the sun rises and sets every day.