sama sama tayo sa bangka ~ all of us together with the canoe

sharing a wonderful sama sama summer coop 2014 video .

we are so blessed to have a wonderful time with the children of Sama Sama Summer Coop 2014 as they visited us at the bangka-yard. We danced the movements of carving with the rhythms of Tawi Tawi. Mabuhay to the children, their teachers, organizers, and parents/caregivers. Mabuhay!


Balik sa Dagat Bangka Journey’s June 2014 NAPIESV Webinar

if you missed the bsdbj napiesv webinar on june 10, 2014 here is the link

click on link and scroll down to the webinar section
June 2014 Balik sa Dagat Bangka Journey as part of the webinar series (~1 hour 15mins long)

it is also posted on napiesv’s facebook page

craft building with NAPIESV