if you eat salmon, pay respect to elders of the salmon

this past few weeks has been a celebration of iconic leaders who have passed on to the universe free at last

dr darryl babe wilson and the story of the origin of san francisco bay, open your window

billy frank jr

rest in peace

rest in power

daghang mabuhay for your gifts, your legacy


lolo babe asked, ‘when is the beginning?’

“…i think there was no beginning, because if there was a beginning there could be an ending. since there is no ending there could not be a beginning…” Dr Darryl Babe Wilson

i cried, my body shaken as if it just experienced an earthquake; i cry as i write this, as if i lost a grampa, which is a new experience for me as i have never known my grandfathers. Lolo” is tagalog (pilipino) for grandfather thus i called him Lolo Babe and Dr Lolo Babe, i met him at paddle to swinomish 2011 and he mentioned how he heard our laughters and wondered who we were. I savor his stories and the one he shared about the silver dawn of the swinomish 2011 as we connected via emails and he shared about pit river people. Lolo Babe shares the truth about ‘thanksgiving holidays.   I love his book (and now that i know what the original title is) “the morning the sun went down ‘forever’.” get it, read it, share it. I mourn with you for such a great loss, deepest condolences to the family. i mourn as the sun went down today, my body trying to recover with aftershocks of tears from the shocking loss. listening to river clouds but i know he is soaring fiercely like a flying canoe with eagle wings in the universe; i shall forever remember as he gifted his article about wehelu peacemakers in a time when pieces of a dream puzzle were coming together, peace warriors forever in my heart, dear Dr ‘lolo’ babe, Dr. Darryl Babe Wilson, Sul’ma’ejote. I miss you. my tears says, ‘Lolo Babe, thank you for your stories, your love and your blessings. your legacy continues beyond this world. we celebrate you. daghang mabuhay po.’ rest in power ~ enunja