a living bridge in the land of the clouds

In “The Land of Clouds” of India, Meghalaya, is the land of living bridges. People here find Ingenious natural solutions for fighting the forces of Nature.

daghang mabuhay, mia mingus for sharing this video with us.

journey to forgiving the unforgiveable

we have yet to share our stories in the diaspora as descendants of the islanders settling in the turtle island. we have similar struggles and resistance, we have yet to heal as a community together. “elders speaks: return to the culture, the teachings, the principles, laws and values of our ancestors” and being mindful of traditions that are not useful/hurtful. let us relearn our languages, relearn our rites of passages for the young ones becoming man and/or woman, start the journey of forgiveness, heal ourselves.

resource: http://www.whitebison.org/index.php Documentary “The Wellbriety Movement: Journey of Forgiveness”If you would like a Free copy of the Video “Journey of Forgiveness” send an e-mail request to info@whitebison.org

The Wellbriety Journey to Forgiveness