river clouds

although my maternal grandparents were bisayan settlers from bohol, my mom was born in malay-balay, bukidnon, in the northwest area of another island called mindanao, south of bohol. my lolo (grandfather) moses amoguis was ‘lost’ during the japanese occupation during world war 2; he was a farmer. on a routine farming day, he went out with his karabaw; the karabaw came back home without him, his body was never found, my mom says that he was killed by the soldiers. she was not yet 6 years old then. i dedicate this tune to those who have lost, still looking for loved ones post-quake, post-typhoon, post-losing someone ~ somewhere in the river clouds i find peace…daghang mabuhay Ron Quesada via Kulintronica and Kuya Waway Linsahay Saway II. “River Clouds” written by Waway Saway, performed in the San Francisco Bay Area with Kulintronica; available on iTunes Black Friday 2013.

Gg as the power of the soul

6th letter pronounced ‘ga’

ga.. – a prefix of time. it indicates actual or in the process of doing or performing. “Kaon = eat; gakaon = eating; dagan = run; gadagan = running.”

galamhan sa kalag – the power of the soul

gubin – the starting stage of pregnancy of a woman

gulom – to smoothen the nodes of bamboos and canes

gunha – to emerge, to surface, as submarine

green bamboo