~ building dream bridges with rainbows across the oceans ~~~~~~

building dream bridges with rainbows across the oceans is quite a big responsibility. i am learning all the time to stay focused, stay positive and keep on forging forward. i am most thankful for the gifts, the precious gifts of life, the simple breathe, the beauty around, the sights, the scents, movement. life is precious. i am most thankful for the gift of a bangka living dream, i am most thankful for my life in an unselfish way, i am reminded that i am a gift just as you are a gift of life. IMG_2625

let us build together

save the dates- join us: November 17-23, 2013, santa rosa, california ~ learn not just about ifugaw wood carving both paddles and bangka (canoe) but also survivalist skills with ‘the men with the dragon boats,’ Mamerto Lagitan Tindongan and his son, Torin White Tindongan. Contact mylene@bangkajourney.com for details, food donations, gas fund donations, inquiries…….here is a tentative schedule~ Sunday 11/17/23 meet between 12-2pm at bangka-yard for welcoming gathering, tentative honoring our waters at a local beach ceremony (carpool and leave at 2pm towards beach) depending on weather and planning session for the week’s schedule, healing circle details is work in progress  ~  NOTE: schedule details may change daily: Monday 11/18/23 – start carving bangka and paddles ends by 5pm; Tuesday 11/19/23 – fun carving all day … Wednesday 11/20/13 – need a volunteer driver; Thorsday 11/21/13 – fun carving …; Friday 11/22/13 ~ fun carving …; Sabado 11/23/13 ~ final fun carving and a thankful closing gathering

thankful for our funders, we love you: individuals from the community, NAPIESV and The Cultural Conservancy / San Francisco Arts Commission. Thankful for ‘Bug’ of Heritage Salvage for recycled wood donations. Deep appreciation to all of our volunteers, hugs and love 🙂 also for residents of the bangka-yard and core crew: Alexis Canillo, Ethan Castro, Tek Tekh Gabaldon and site hosts: L Frank, Sharon, P-dog and Mattie for welcoming us and keeping the bangka-yard open to islanders in the mainland. Many blessings to our ancestors. Daghang mabuhay!
