
‘i was the only child. the taller person silhouette is supposedly my mom and me holding the ama… when we came to US, we traveled and lived in many places, moved house to house from relatives. i was always helping out around the house doing the cleaning and more. it reminded me how my mom tried to hard to find a stable ground for the both of us. that’s why I called it the journey.’ ~ arlene c guerrero


oil on canvas by arlene c guerrero

oil on canvas by arlene c guerrero


Sisters we are: We spoke over the phone for the first time connected via facebook over the world wide web; don’t underestimate leftover paint, spontaneous art in process! then we talked stories about our shared birthplace, quezon city, where are parents are from, bisayans; our immigration history to the USA mainland in the early 80’s and growing up in the east bay area; our shared strong support against human trafficking and end to violence including domestic violence and sexual violence; for her the challenges of raising children with love despite new and changing identities; her new love of paddling on a 100 year old koa canoe. I miss my island sisters, i love you! Hugs! mahalo con mabuhay! Sweet blessings, thankful and mabuhay tayong lahat ~ leng leng

ps. with her permission to post, arlene c guerrero may be contacted for artwork at 808 620 2433 ~ keep it flowing

Balik Sa Dagat Bangka Journey at Pistahan! SF 2013

Pistahan, festival in Pilipino, is a fun filled free event by Filipino American Arts Exposition (FAAE) that happens every year! happy to say that 20 years ago my twin sister and friends were one of the first PISTAHAN volunteers so it is with honor that Balik sa Dagat Bangka Journey  (BSDBJ) as one of the first groups to participate in PISTAHAN 2013’s Creativity Pavilion with a mini-paddle making session – free! Check out the gallery of PISTAHAN 2013 photos at BSDBJ’s table that was set right across the street from St Patrick’s Church, SF. A warm thankful hug to Herna Cruz Louie for having us at the Creativity Pavilion and Scott Louie for showing the way to the food tent for the hungry teacher. 🙂 this year’s event was made more special when DAKILA went on stage! even more special to share it with friends and family. 🙂