golden ones and the siren’s song lakeside

on this cloudy september morn, somber with thoughts of those who were killed during 9/11 twelve years ago. i remember back then that my mom was visiting from the islands and it was one of her late night/early morning sessions with the TV. she woke me up with a loud ‘oh no! patatas!’ to news report of the Twin Towers crumbling. like many, i thought that what was shown was what one sees violence in the movies, except this is/was real. going back to today on this cloudy september morn, brightened up by a wonderful view of inspirational active elders on the lake 🙂 – paddling is for those young at heart and humor, it is also healthy for the heart and soul

golden ladies 2 paddling golden ladies 1 paddling

Bohol Pump Boat Ride

a 9 year old visited the islands, i asked her to write a bangka story, over a year later, she shares this with me.

Bohol Pump Boat Ride

During the boat ride it was very humid. I was sweating badly.We would often see dolphins in a straight line. Our guide told us that they were in a line because it wasn’t season.He said they would be scattered.  When i look  down from the boat i would see sea urchins and colorful starfish. When i take out a starfish they would stick out little arms to feel for the water. The arms felt very soft.We stopped at a island called Pungtud Island.They had little tents that sold food and people walking around selling fruit and unusual  shells. 

~ CJ, 9 years old, born in CA, USA
