living dreams

once upon a recent dream, pintados came on a large sea vessel in the san francisco bay waters, yours truly showed sheer excitement that she could not operate the recently purchased, brand new camera/phone called the i-phone but the excitement faded as the pintados came to shore, a feeling of ‘rape’ creeped up that led yours truly to run for safety in a dark room of a theater house with the big screen lit up…….

note:this dream has no connection with the pintados project – informational sharing only


Balik Sa Dagat Bangka Journey just registered to attend the National Organization of Asians & Pacific Islanders Ending Sexual Violence (NAPIESV)’s “No One Can Tell Our Story but Us: A Dialogue on Sexual Violence in Asian Pacific Islander Communities” Summit 2013 scheduled for September 17-19, 2013 to be held in Southern California.