BJ to TJ Day 5: Land Crew Support is Essential

Bangka Journey travels to Tribal Canoe Journey‘s 2013 Paddle to Quinault – DAY 5:

Props to land support, ground crew, cooks, hunters, firewood cutters, escorts, shuttle and bus drivers, and the canoe journey organizers – mabuhay kayo!!!!! We are learning many things but one major is that strong land crew is essential – one in mind, body and spirit – with lack of sleep and trying to stay a step or two ahead, it is not easy. Total respect for land crew and support boats, healers at the healing tent. Life is precious.





** Bangka Journey’s part in Paddle to Quinault this year is paid for in part by your generous donations. THANK YOU!! **

Chips and more chips

With the bayanihan spirit, the bangka journey crew and core members regroup this past weekend and ended the weekend with sunday work day. Circle time, stories shared, resolving ongoing issues, strengthening bonds and relations, focusing on completing the bangka together…….
I share with you the hard work of carving manually with an adze, an ancestral tool used in contemporary times and contemporary design guided by ‘early elders’ of urban dwellers reconnecting and connecting with our natural surroundings, honoring ancestors, taking responsibility with utmost consideration of each other, honoring ourselves, our gifts, our limitations as well as our potential to succeed together and as individuals, standing strong, praying as busy bees dances to the bamboo tones of the kalinga’s tongatong and lively world music.
As the tap, tap, tapping chips away the inside of the red western cedar log but mindful of each tapping, tap, tap, tap, tapping with the spirit of the tree, reminding us of our deep connections to the land and the water, returning to the waters, return to the sea, balik sa dagat

Isang dugo, one blood
I am honored
~ leng leng
