mini-bulldozer in your hands

a visit to a friendly mechanic resulted not just in a car ready to roll to this year’s canoe journey but he loaned us his power sander – looks like a mini-bulldozer – thankful for the gifts. we won’t be able to use it until we return from paddle to quinault 2013 but something to look forward to finishing more paddles and bangka. much more, i will learn how to drive a golf cart (not a bulldozer) while volunteering at the journey.

so thankful for people’s kindness and generosity – daghang mabuhay!!!!!!!

from a friendly mechanic

from a friendly mechanic




return to the sea

Return to the Sea: Bangka Journey joins Paddle to Quinault Canoe Journey 2013

the canoe journeys have begun. kindly help us with our journey

click on link above to learn more about our video-documentary campaign
