the fishermen of lintuan

The Fishermen of Lintuan


Even as the fickle sea rocks

To Habagat’s temerity,

The fishermen of Lintuan set forth

To cast their hooks. Their daily tryst

With the waves’ pummeling must be kept just

As the sun’s rising to early call of cocks.


The sea is life: Skiffs, frail bodies

For dreams; paddles, feet to prod on

To the quest; and lines are hands

Dropped to the very depths

For priceless essence of existence.


The glory of a catch – the frustrations

Of having none – are but bubbles

Cast by their rippling sprints

In their homebound stretch

For neither wind nor wave can temper

The smiles of wives, fish-vending maidens

And the giddy laughter of kids

Ashore warmly waiting;


As well as the feel of sand

Beneath the feet.


contributed by Rene Eune Ponte


Each fishing trip of Lintuan fishermen are a banca journey through life.

view from port balluarte, bohol


bangka journey dances water for wellness reflections 2013

sharing with you participant’s reflections post-bangka journey danced waters for wellness with rulan tangen and dance assistant, daniel last spring 2013


1) i appreciate …..

~ the opportunity expand learning about indigenous-inspired movement; learning how to listen to the body, integration of the elements with voice/sound…in community

~ the chance to participate in the “Bangka Journey” and explore other areas of dance

~ i appreciated the whole day, from the ceremony at the bangka which helped me connect deeply with the tree that is becoming the canoe in a way that i had not connected through our canoe project before. so thank you for sharing your beautiful ceremony, dances, music, offerings. it was beautiful and very touching.

~ i appreciated the teachings from Rulan, such an incredible teacher, from what she spoke to what she facilitated… beautiful and powerful. i went to bed that night with no pain in my body which is very rare for me. it enlivened my spine and my connection to the water and ocean, that i think it helped cleanse my body as well as free the tension of everyday life and stress that i carry in my body. the performance ritual was incredibly touching, to share that with the group, helped me understand everyones connection to the canoe, as well as our interconnectedness, how it is bringing us together, and how we all play a piece in it and then my own connection and dedication to the earth, the health of the waters and our cultural health. thank you for hosting and sharing with me. also loved how we brought diverse language, and the various elements, not just water. also appreciated Daniel very much, his beautiful presence, guidance, voice, prayers, drumming.


2) i plan to use….

~ this in daily practices that awaken the dreaming body

~ this experience as a learning tool for body and soul awareness

~ i hope that i can bring some of these teachings to our youth project, also to our larger canoe project, appreciate the thoughtfulness and spirit of the bangka journey, that hopefully other communities can learn and be inspired by you. in terms of Rulan’s teachings i hope to use some of the movements and ritual performance as ideas for our project… and would be great to have her come back!


3) i would like more…

~ of everything:-))

~ more background info of the Filipino heritage as it pertains to “Bangka Journey”

~ to have it with the larger community!?

of all of it… 🙂 would love to do something like this by the water, the ocean a river, an island… 🙂

4) I suggest…
~ more exercises like the kind of movement experienced with Rulan Tangen as she helped me to focus on self-awareness with relationship to the Earth and movement within 


Bangka Journey is honored to have danced with Rulan, Daniel and all of the day’s participants. Mabuhay! (photos shown in gallery courtesy on via  rulan tangen 2013, director of dancing earth).
