Bangka Journey says NO! to violence

bangka journey advocates for anti-violence and promotes healing and empowerment via information. view a short film on some good facts about exposure to violence and a child’s developing brain. also special thanks to MUAWI, our fiscal sponsor ( for their advocacy work.

Ee the 5th letter of the Bisayan alphabet

Filipino American Labor Organizers

Filipino American Labor Organizers

Most of the words on his book, kapulongnan bisinisay-ininglis by jes b. tirol, phd, unang pagsudhi (first edition) 2010, that started with ‘E’, the 5th letter of the Bisayan alphabet, pronounced ‘eh’, were derived from Spanish words. The list was short with a few words also derived from English.

Eskirol was the lone bisayan word listed; its definition is scab, strike breaker. interestingly, it made me think of Larry Itliong and Philip Vera Cruz and other labor movement leaders’ legacy at the Delano Grape Strike (see photo of mural above).