a kestrel tool starting kit, it would be a lovely gift for a novice carver

i just had to share this note from gregg, i am so thankful that there are folks who create beautiful crafts/tools as recommended by uncle philip h. red eagle. i am so impressed. daghang mabuhay kuya gregg. check out his site: kestreltool.com

‘Everything I sell is on the web site, sounds like you have an exciting plan. 

I went to your web site and enjoyed all of it. I am so thankful there are so 

many folks all over the earth that are coming to awareness about our 

responsibilities to live decent simple lives and protect our Earth Mother.

I hope I can somehow help you further your goals! Thanks for your interest, 

have sweet holidays Gregg’



sharing a message (click on word message and scroll down to #31) from nang lilia adecer cajilog

Imagine….. if every baby born on earth, be it white, black, red, yellow, … would not be given a name—until the baby LAUGHED out loud OR GIGGLED! The name of each person becomes a permanent reminder of a moment of joy & happiness… LIFE IS TOO SHORT.

Imagine if we remind ourselves constantly to find a reason to LAUGH HEARTILY.

Imagine, all children nurtured with the motto: Mitaakuye Oyaasin. We are all related…We are related to all sentient beings…to all two legged, four legged, winged, all land & sea creatures large they are OUR RELATIONS!

Imagine, that the three poisons of ignorance, greed and hatred be wiped out from human consciousness  on December 21, 2012
