hida fun


would you want a surgeon or a dentist to have dull instruments? if you agree with me, then your response is a ‘no’. like any other crafter, having quality tools is important. inday tibo and i had great fun gathering tools from hida tool inc., based in berkeley, california (right across the street from REI). it was even more fun as inday shared the same excitement as i do about bangka journey and building with our hands in relation to as my friend, juno, simplified it as healing ancestral wounds through the creation of a community honoring the sacredness of the spiritual warrior way of life expressed through bangka building.’ inday showed how fun it could be to shop at hida, gently caressing the quality made tools, honoring the stones, the wood, the feel of the coldness of the steel and the warmth of the wooden handles, honoring the crafter. hida’s helpful staff helped make it a wonderful experience. and more, it was wonderful because everything was 10% off! i am so excited to get my first basic carving kit. as she mentioned, it’s a disney kind of  fun (just note though that i’ve never been to disneyland so i cannot compare). but also prepare for cuts, bring bandaids for fingers (the ones that are like finger gloves) and emergency kits. be prepared and don’t forget the work gloves.




bangka journey joy

a friend that i haven’t heard from in over 10 years called from out of the blue, this is a wonderful blessing to be reminded to slow down. healers also need healing, so with much love, find a quiet space, i share this with you. daghang mabuhay, nestor.

slow down

let the wave take you safely to the arms of the loving embrace of the bangka

the river of thoughts, let it flow

place joy in chaos, quiet your mind

you have the power of choice

slow down

observe the connections

come back into the space, let it go

stay relaxed, take a deep breath, exhale, keep your body still, accept whatever you are feeling

take another deep breathe, exhale

smile with your relaxation

bring joy, enjoy

smile with your breath, your sensations

let the air in and out naturally, completely relaxed

relaxing the body and mind

now go inside your mind, observe, do not concentrate

don’t try to look for thoughts, stop thougths with your awareness

keep trying

stay in this space for a minute (breathe, exhale, repeat)

go to the next level: convince yourself with your thoughts. pay attention to your memory, your past, painful, negative, and see how it makes you feel when you focus on this, keep focusing and observe the feeling of negativity and how it makes you feel.

blow that out, take a deep breath and start all over again, erase it by blowing it out of your mind and body. blow it out.

use your memory again. think of all the things that are positive in your life, bring all the joy in your life, convince yourself of this reality. enjoy that. breathe it in. exhale all with your heart and feel it in your body, energizing.

go inside your mind again. enjoy your thougths. let it flow in the river of consciousness. be very spacious.

relax, give yourself a vacation, a rest. take some deep breathes, exhale, feel the sensation

recognize the meditative space that you’ve cultivated. recognize what your body has cultivated.

slowly open your eyes. recognize this meditative state. see how you are feeling, how your body feels.

daghang mabuhay.


meditation as guided by nestor perez and the 3 golden rules to understand how your mind works