intro to bangka journey, northern califas

SAVE the Dates: Dec 15-16, 2012 in Santa Rosa, Califas (California)  Introduction to Bangka Journey and Paddle-Making

it is an honor to be part of this journey. meet the bangka journey collaborative:

Philip H. Red Eagle, a canoe carver from washington state, showing us the canoe way from the pacific northwest. Check out other links:, and for the canoe stuff. For his writings there is salt; Paddle-making of different types of paddles from the philippines; 3 different paddles will be shared by Pomo/Coast Miwok-Cebuano Alexis Canillo; Small watercraft (Bangka, Paraw, Baroto, Sakayan, Bigiw, Vinta, etc. — various dugout canoes with bamboo outriggers) design by Lorenzo II Acompanado, a canoe builder from samal island,  davao, mindanao, philippines. It started with a question, where is the filipino canoe? which led to a gifted local log from L. Frank Manriquez, a tribal scholar and decolonizationist of the Tongva and Ajachmem tribes; Holly Calica, artist, grandmother, educator, dancer, kulintang player, weaver; and yours truly, Mylene Amoguis Cahambing. holding the bangka journey vision to manifest. we look forward to your involvement with bangka journey. mabuhay!

peace blessings.







lolo babe shares the truth about ‘thanksgiving holidays’

grampa babe truth about ‘thanksgiving’ (you may have to click on link twice, listen up)

remember our history too.

i am thankful for every moment of the day.